Wednesday, 14 August 2019

THE LEADERLESS REVOLUTION IS HERE!!!! But it’s not what you think it is.

The leaderless revolution is here, but it is not what the zealots say it is both the far right and far left are wrong about what the leaderless revolution in South Africa would look like because both sides have no catalyzing figure to galvanize the cell like structure of such a revolution. A leaderless revolution is conventionally characterized by a martyr like figure taking a bold first step in creating a culture of individuals that work toward a central ideological imperative without direct communication links to a central point.
 A leaderless revolution by design is hard to suppress so the idea of a revolution such as this manifesting it’s self into a violent terrorist enterprise that runs a whole government ungovernable would be self-defeating, South African policing authorities are excellent at one thing and one thing only, the violent suppression of organisation in public spaces see; the Marikana massacre and the fees must fall protests. This means the South African neo-anarchist must be wise to this fact, thus leading the conclusion that the country being rendered ungovernable would be an unintended consequence of the actions taken by the individuals in the collective. The problem with the South African version of events is that desperation is a bigger driving force than an ideological position.
“When the system fails you fails you create your own system”- Michael K Williams. This statement characterizes the peoples plight and sums up the reasoning behind the revolution and justifies the attempt to usurp the power held by the centrist body politic of the country that is clearly broken almost to the point of no return.
Land Invasion and occupation
In the current era it seems that Julius Malema and his EFF have championed the task of bringing the landless masses to some sort of revolutionary tipping point, when actually all they did is bring one of the longest standing inefficiencies of governance to be debated as process of urgently needed development. Land invasion is one of the first forms of protesting inadequate governance which began with the department of bantu affairs of yesteryear, the people built on unoccupied land and claimed it as their own and in so doing usurped some power from the apartheid government, noticeably this was one of the building blocks of the resilience and audacity of the civil disobedience project and later the armed struggle. This is why most of the proponents of the armed struggle were transplants that came to Johannesburg as backroom and shack dwellers.
The EFF sought to co-opt this reemerging energy of the people and become the de facto center of the common man, but skepticism is rife among the electorate about how men and women who live in mansions can champion such a struggle. People grabbing land will become ever more prevalent as the people become ever more anxious.
The Water and electrical crisis
We are all know about the problems facing Eskom and in their desperation they raised tariffs on an already poor society, this inevitably demanded ingenuity from the society, a week or so ago Phakamani Hadebe of Eskom rightly diagnosed that one of the problems facing the ailing parastatal is South Africans going off the grid, there are a few options of going off the grid each method is deliberate in how it usurps power from the state (no pun intended) here they are:
First is the very expensive route of deep cycle rechargeable battery kits connected to solar panels which adequately takes the burden of high tariffs off one's shoulders in the long run. As I have already stressed that the exigent circumstances faced by the people demands ingenuity so poor people somehow noticed that cell phone towers run off deep cycle batteries and so they “liberate” the batteries and fulfill the needs of the power hungry market, they sell the batteries to legitimate companies that deal in alternative energy solutions.
The second method demands more of an organised effort it involves something called “bridging” where the meter system of a transformer is bypassed so that the particular transformer is not technically on Eskom's system, this essentially means the houses linked to the transformer get free electricity. This requires the whole neighborhood to switch off their power during the bypass process so some measure of cooperation is required.
The third process involves a similar bypass process to happen but this time at a house hold level either by tampering with the installed prepaid meter or creating a bypass in the box housing the circuit breakers, this method though leaves you liable to a large fine and the confiscation of your pre-paid meter by Eskom.
The fourth and final method is a new one where a small group of men in the Lejweleputswa district have found a way of creating counterfeit prepaid vouchers selling a thousand kW/h for three hundred rands basically creating a totally parallel system to the state run process if this trend prevails and I assume it will, Eskom will find itself in a real bind where the increase in tariffs would not yield the desired result of showing an entity in its way to solvency.
Lastly, I also found out that the water metering system can also be bypassed by replacing the municipal meter with a normal run of the mill pipe, now the city workers would not be able to take a reading of your water usage.
The creation of alternatives
South Africa’s economy is undoubtedly an oligarchy in any given sector you would be hard pressed to find more than 4 major players at any given time thus creating industries made up of monarchs of industry and their sentinels in whatever form they may come either as politicians or some out of the way black council of over paid gate keepers.
This is why the normal South African has opted for the creation of alternative means of wealth acquisition and service delivery whether fair or foul. The grand assumption has always been that the political class will be the first to fall at the hand of the poor but by all indications the people do not seem to hold political parties in any esteem, they seem to have realized that the political system in this country will not deliver tangible solutions to their lives.
It is a great fear of mine that we are heading toward a cliff of mammoth proportions on that would significantly alter South Africa’s political landscape forever. Many in the country seem oblivious to the ticking time bomb.
